Improving negotiation skills to fight inequality in newsrooms

A toolkit for Latina journalists and training sessions to reduce the pay gap


Discrimination against Latino journalists in the United States affects the environment of freedom of expression and access to information for the Hispanic communities they frequently report on and write about. This is the main conclusion of research conducted by Fundamedios in a Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellowship.

The most common claims documented during eight months of research involved inferior working conditions and inequitable salaries for Latino journalists. Essentially, Latino journalists say they do the same job as their white peers with fewer resources, and less pay. In addition, the intersectionality of race and gender results in cumulative discrimination against female journalists who are of Latino origin, who earn on average 37% less than their white male peers.

To address this issue, Fundamedios created a toolkit to address these issues by training journalists to improve their negotiation skills.

Read more from RJI and download the toolkit
