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Kurt Jackson of SCS heralds the partnership between Netflix and Microsoft as groundbreaking

Kurt Jackson
Kurt Jackson

In July 2022, Netflix named Microsoft as its official partner for an upcoming ad-supported version of the streaming platform. In a recent article in Forbes, Kurt Jackson, the founder of Software Consulting Services, heralded the partnership as groundbreaking.

“Two companies that have been leaders in their respective fields for years coming together is always going to be interesting,” he said. “Specifically because of the factors involved. Most other large companies that Netflix could have worked with are already associated with — or own — other streaming platforms, so Microsoft was the logical choice.”

Jackson said, “We generally work with publishers for newspapers and magazines, for an end-to-end solution. Most of the people we're talking to have their own centers, where they do centralized production of most of their newspapers. One group that we're working with does 140,000 pages a year. Imagine how we can help them if we take 30% to 40% of those off the table for them and do them in seven seconds. Similarly with this partnership, taking that workload away from Netflix will certainly pay dividends and allow them to have the time to focus on their expertise. Producing content and finding ways to monetize it.”

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