Innovative journalism projects sought for RJI’s flexible fellowship program


The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute is looking for people who have journalism challenges they want to tackle and have a project idea that could benefit not only themselves and their organization, but the industry.

RJI Fellowship projects typically devise new strategies or models for solving a problem, build new tools, or create a prototype or advance a prototype so it is ready for investment or launch during an eight-month fellowship. This year’s fellows are working on a variety of projects, which include developing a best practices guide for better gun violence reporting, helping news outlets take advantage of push notifications and developing a platform to produce audio stories on smart speakers that can contrast or expand based on the reader’s interest level in a topic. 

Fellows can either work on projects themselves through a residential or nonresidential fellowship or work directly with an organization on a project with an institutional fellowship through RJI’s flexible fellowship options. Residential fellows are required to move to Columbia, Missouri. Fellowships are open to those in the U.S., as well as international journalists.

Among the various resources available to fellows includes access to a communications team that can help promote the project, as well as assistance from programmers and students who can produce marketing plans. There is also support for those wanting to conduct market research or test an idea at one of the Journalism School’s newsrooms.

Applications are due by Jan. 17.

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Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, fellowships