Solutions Partner

Presteligence's plan to engage its customer base in 2024


Along with its investment in new infrastructure, Presteligence is setting ambitious goals to enhance its marketing strategies and strengthen customer relationships in the upcoming year. The commitment to transparency, knowledge sharing and improved customer support will solidify its position as a trusted provider of innovative solutions to newspapers.

Presteligence plans to publish informative and engaging content on its various platforms at least one to three times per month. This content will not only highlight the company's expertise but also keep customers informed about industry trends, product updates and other relevant information. Presteligence aims to offer glimpses into the day-to-day operations "around the office" — albeit remote. This could include behind-the-scenes previews of product development, team highlights and updates on company events. Follow along their blog available here.

Recognizing the importance of self-service tools, Presteligence is committed to expanding its knowledge base. By offering how-to articles, video tutorials, and best practices, the company aims to empower customers to troubleshoot issues independently and make the most of its products and services.

Presteligence understands the significance of personalized customer interactions. The company plans to implement targeted check-ins with customers, focusing on their specific needs and experiences. Gaining feedback from users will provide valuable insights from existing customers for continuous improvement and responsiveness to their needs.

As Presteligence embraces these initiatives, it sets the stage for a successful and customer-centric year ahead.