Bronze Solutions Partner

PAGE welcoming Partners


Our newspaper industry continues to experience change on the supplier side, as amplified through the growth of digital solutions, new entrants with competitive pricing, or acquisitions.  As an integral part of our industry, the PAGE Cooperative has adapted to these changes. 

For example, a change in the ownership of one of our longstanding paper mills through acquisition has resulted in PAGE adding a new preferred partner, Thunder Bay Pulp & Paper.  The mill at Thunder Bay has been supporting PAGE members for several years.  We are therefore pleased that this support will continue and that newsprint from this mill will be available for all interested PAGE members and prospective members. 

PAGE also recently announced a significant addition to our partner roster, with Gannett Supply Corporation (GSC) joining as an option for our members to explore savings, ordering automation and redundancy for newsprint availability. 

Core to our mission, the PAGE Cooperative communicates critical information, including pricing, for our members to utilize when preparing their budgets to optimize their savings.  These savings can be applied to the core commodities, newsprint, ink and plates, as well as new and innovative products and services that benefit our members.  Examples of these are PAGE partners that provide services and advisory such as accounting, collections and HR benefits.    

Our PAGE team works in the service of our members, and we evaluate competitively priced solutions that deliver results in operational savings and support the revenue growth of their subscribers and advertisers.  A great benefit that our preferred partners receive is being billed from PAGE, which enables rapid payment for their invoices and thus reduces their risk and operational costs for collections. 

Our complete list of partners can be found in our Digital Partner Directory -

PAGE membership seeks win-win partnerships that support the needs of our industry along with service and competitive pricing.   PAGE introduces partners that fit these criteria to our members to support and deliver what they need to be competitive.

Therefore, as we welcome these new partners, I wanted to take this opportunity to invite suppliers to our industry who are interested in being considered for our partners' program to contact PAGE. 

For more information on our partners' program, please visit Alternatively, contact Gary Blakeley, CEO of PAGE Cooperative, at