Bronze Solutions Partner

Publishers facing migration to GA4: A new opportunity awaits!


Many Universal Analytics users were hesitant to migrate to Google Analytics 4, worried about things like dual tagging, loss of historical data, raw data and the familiar views they rely on to make sense of their data. Universal Analytics will sunset on July 1. However, Marfeel, the analytics platform for publishers, is here to help!

For the next 30 days, we're offering a free migration to Marfeel for Google Analytics users. That's right, for those of you wishing to switch from UA or GA4 to Marfeel, we won’t charge anything during this month-long transition. After that, you can choose between our free Real-Time plan or take advantage of our full suite of features.

The power of real-time analytics

At Marfeel, real-time data is at the heart of everything we do. Imagine having data that refreshes every three seconds, giving you the most up-to-date insights. The freshest possible data from GA4 is 30 minutes old. And that just doesn’t cut it for a newsroom. The news moves way too fast!

Agile newsrooms need real-time data

Marfeel’s Compass view keeps newsrooms in the loop, allowing you to see right when a social post goes viral, an article loses traction or a section underperforms in terms of average pageviews, subscriptions or any other KPI.

Plus, real-time data enables SEO and data teams to implement fixes to structured data or for Core Web Vitals and immediately see when they’re effective. Zero lag time eliminates the back and forth and helps teams focus on what needs doing now. In other words, real-time data turns publications into well-oiled machines.

Homepage Optimization

Our Heads Up Display, powered by real-time data, lets you run A/B tests on headlines and images, optimizing every aspect of your publication's storefront. Editors can closely monitor article performance on the home page and give more visibility to the most impactful stories of the day. We've even added AI-generated headline suggestions enriched with individual publishers’ historical data, taking the process from lightning-fast to turbocharged! See below for more on Marfeel Copilot, our AI-powered assistant.

Designed with publishers in mind

Besides the restrictions on real-time data, the views and other filters that publishers were used to in UA are difficult to locate in GA4 or gone. Marfeel, by contrast, has added more and more views, dashboards, and, recently, playbooks tailored for every team. Multimedia, subscriptions, advertising and social media teams now have their own playbooks with the most relevant metrics for each team. 

Check out our Subscriptions Playbook, the one-stop-shop for subscription teams:

Raw and historical data exports

Unfortunately, your historical data will disappear along with Universal Analytics. But here's the good news: switching to Marfeel means you can start rebuilding it — and you can keep it as long as you want. Whereas the new Google Analytics won’t retain your data longer than 14 months, at Marfeel it’s up to you.

Marfeel provides raw data exports in the same format you're used to. Continue exporting data in the format your team is comfortable with once you make the switch to Marfeel:

As many publishers are already well aware, GA4 does not support AMP. Marfeel, however, not only supports AMP traffic, it makes it available as a filter across our entire data warehouse:

More publisher-first features from Marfeel:

  • Copilot: Our AI assistant designed specifically for newsrooms, providing everything from headline suggestions to detailed data summaries in natural, accessible language. 

  • Custom conversion funnels: Track any conversion event and make it a clickable KPI, enabling you to filter any dimension by the day's free trials or paid subscriptions, for example. For example, see at a glance how many subscriptions came from Google Discover versus paid Facebook ads.

  • Free real-time plan: Enjoy our real-time features at no cost.
  • Excellent customer support and account management: We're here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring you have the support you need.

We understand that change can be overwhelming, but with Marfeel, you can embrace a new and improved analytics experience tailored specifically for publishers. We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity for a whole new way of doing business. 

Visit today or contact our Senior Director of Business Development: 

Julio Medrano