LJSA no longer included in the reconciliation bill

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The Local Journalism Sustainability Act (LJSA), a comprehensive legislative effort championed by America’s Newspapers and other leading media groups, is no longer included in the House of Representatives "Build Back Better" reconciliation bill.

The LJSA was taken out of the reconciliation bill late last week as the White House and Congress sought compromise language that would meet President Biden’s objectives and calls for a significantly reduced price tag. The bill may be voted on later this week.

While there is still an opportunity to get the LJSA back in the reconciliation bill, there are many competing interests and not enough money to go around. Other measures that also were cut included two free years of community college, reduced prescription drug prices and paid family and medical leave.

Alan Fisco, immediate past president of America’s Newspapers, said that “the membership has been very proactive in advancing this bill, and we’re just beginning to see the strength of our advocacy as we work together.”

Members who are able to help with a last-minute push of the bill should reach out to their members of Congress, particularly if they are a Senate co-sponsor of the LJSA, and ask them to let Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi know how important it is to include the LJSA in the reconciliation bill.