$1 million gift will support fellowship at Missouri School of Journalism and scholarship at MU School of Law


The University of Missouri has announced a $1 million gift from Stueve Siegel Hanson. The Kansas City-based firm will establish the Stueve Siegel Hanson Law Scholarship to support Black students at the MU School of Law, and the Stueve Siegel Hanson Fund for Press Freedom to support Alfred Friendly Press Partners at the Missouri School of Journalism.

The Alfred Friendly Press Partners will provide opportunities for journalists from countries with underdeveloped media to receive hands-on training in U.S. newsrooms — including MU’s Columbia Missourian and KOMU-TV. By establishing the Stueve Siegel Hanson Fund for Press Freedom, the firm will support a journalist working to improve the legal system or race relations in that individual’s home country.

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