Damon Kiesow named Knight Chair in Journalism Innovation at Missouri School of Journalism


Damon Kiesow is now the Knight Chair in Journalism Innovation at the Missouri School of Journalism, an update from his previous title of Knight Chair in Digital Editing and Producing. The new title reflects the evolution of the endowed chair position and Kiesow’s research and service as he finishes his fifth year at the School.

“As a leader in news product strategy, Damon’s work to support the country’s local news ecosystem goes well beyond the scope of digital editing and producing,” said David Kurpius, dean of the School. “He is actively engaged not only in creating practical solutions for newsrooms but in redefining how the industry should think about innovation, and this new title supports that direction for his research and service.”

Kiesow, who served as director of product for The McClatchy Company before coming to the School, said the updated title better describes the focus of his work, which re-examines journalism’s relationship with technology and innovation while developing solutions that tackle some of the most challenging issues facing the industry.

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