Are journalists serving Virginia’s voters well? Election could offer insights on media on national level


As Virginia holds elections on Nov. 7 to fill all 140 seats in the state legislature, the results will likely offer insights on the nation’s political pulse. Voters’ preferences for Democrats or Republicans may well reflect how they feel about Joe Biden or Donald Trump — and about key issues such as abortion, the economy and public education.

The election also will hold important lessons for the nation’s journalists as they gear up for the 2024 presidential race.

As a journalism professor and diligent voter in Virginia, I’ve been closely following the news about the state’s upcoming elections. Much of the reporting has provided readers with stories about candidates’ qualifications and positions on critical issues — the kind of information voters need to cast their ballots.

But I also have seen articles that may discourage voting or undermine the democratic process. Those stories tend to hype fleeting scandals and mostly serve to generate clicks on social media.

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