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The focus is presidential — the money is local!


All the focus and much of the media coverage is spent talking about the presidential election.  And for good reason.  It is the one time every four years when the entire nation has an opportunity to vote on their choice to lead the nation as Commander in Chief.

But the reality is that very little of the billions of dollars raised and spent by presidential candidates and their PAC supporters end up on newspaper websites, digital assets or printed pages.  Despite all the data to the contrary, there is the continuing love affair with TV and other media options that often defy  the logic of actual voter media behavior.  Research continues to suggest that nearly 75% of those who vote, self-identify as regular consumers of the information published in the portfolio of products newspapers produce on a regular basis.   These are the exact voters that candidates need to win!

But — this is not bad news. Why? Because of the $11 billion or $12 billion that will be spent in the 2024 election cycle, 75% of it will be spent, not for the presidential election, but by state and local candidates and ballot issues in the counties, cities and towns where newspapers have the most brand equity, local influence and awareness.  If these state and local candidates hope to have winning campaigns, they need to talk directly to these newspaper media consumers who will decide their local elections.   

There are companies that have mapping and other tools to help newspapers prepare compelling stories for candidates.  But there is one company, The John Kimball Group, that has been helping newspapers for 15 years by providing the contact information for candidates, advocacy groups and their buying agencies, as well as state political party chairs, all of which are updated regularly throughout the election cycle. Also included are best practices from successful newspapers across the country.  

Maybe that’s why we get testimonials like this:  “Happy election day!  We killed it this year — 3x what we did last election.   And I believe we left that amount again on the table …. that’s on us, not your tool. Thanks for your help John.  Couldn’t have done it without you.”

In the last 15 years, newspaper share of political advertising has grown from about $425 million in the 2008 election to over $1 billion during the 2022 mid-terms.  That will only grow this November.

While we would like to take credit for all that increase, the reality is that what we have done is to turn the bright lights on the political category and help newspapers make the right kind of calls on the right people.  Now political is treated like the multi-billion category it represents. 

The secret sauce for newspaper salespeople is about as old school as it gets.  It comes down to finding out who is running and then … (spoiler alert!) … go call on them!  That’s where our robust program springs into action. 

As a multi-media industry, newspapers now have an impressive array of products that can serve nearly every marketing need a candidate can use for communicating their message.  And in doing so, they are talking directly to the very voters they need for a successful election day outcome.  Most elections turn on the margins and are not landslides.  So, every vote is important, and every voter needs to understand where the candidate stands on a variety of issues. 

What better place to make those arguments than in the vehicles those voters regularly turn to and trust for information?  For years we have been saying “Readers Vote and Voters Read.”  Regardless of what option a newspaper tees up, the adage is the same.

So yes — all the focus seems to be on the presidential election.  Just remember that most of the money is in your backyard!  It’s a big pond to fish in, and we know where the fish are swimming! 

John can be reached at  or 703-282-1311.