We're very excited to be celebrating two major milestones this week at Pugpig: our 10th birthday, and the launch of our latest and greatest mobile and web publishing platform.
Pugpig Bolt is now by far the most advanced mobile app and digital edition publishing platform in the world. Whether you want to deliver pixel perfect digital replicas, native mobile editions or a hybrid of the two, we've got you covered. We've also got a brand new in-app podcast player that would embarrass Spotify, along with a boatload of other features that will keep your readers engaged and shouting your praises from the rooftops!
And we're letting members of America's Newspapers in on our birthday celebrations — for this month only, we're offering you a free PoC (proof of concept) demo app, normally priced at $1,500, so that you can see exactly what Pugpig could do with your content.
Just get in touch at info@pugpig.com — Our NYC team is poised and ready to get you up and running!