Protecmedia, the Spanish company dedicated to software development for news companies, is revolutionizing the news industry with the launch of Aida DXP (Artificial Intelligence Design Assistant). The Artificial Intelligence of Aida makes real the web-first newsroom: it automates the print layout from the content published on your website, so in just a few seconds the publication is ready to be sent to the printers.
Demand for immediate access to information places the digital edition in the center, but for most publishers, the print edition remains an important sign of status and prestige. Media outlets are now facing a challenge to find new ways to monetize their print editions. Protecmedia is here to help.
Aida DXP is where Newsroom 3.0 starts. Supported by Artificial Intelligence, it creates a new way to work for journalists and designers, who are now focused on creativity and good journalism instead of repetitive tasks.
María Arenas, CMO at Protecmedia, affirms that “after more than 40 years innovating in news media technology, we have created again an editorial solution that will revolutionize newsrooms: Aida is the real web-first transformation.”
Three progressive automation options to fit into any newsroom workflow:
Aida: The first level starts with a template from your catalogue previously selected by the user and a news article published on your website. Then, the space can be filled automatically by a drag and drop gesture. The system identifies every piece of the news article from the website and then makes the adaptation to the template design for the print version.
Aida Advanced: In the second level, the user just has to choose which website news articles will be published in the print version and drop them into an empty Print Layout structure. Then, Aida's AI automatically chooses the best template according to a set of previously designed rules.
Aida Pro: With the third level comes complete automation. Pick a list of URLs that you want to include in the publication and Aida will automatically produce the Print Layout with the pre-configured arrangements of the newsroom. This level of automation allows you to Layout 15 pages in 45 seconds, speeding up the “traditional” layout process and enlarging news deadlines.
Join the Print Automation revolution:
About Protecmedia:
Protecmedia is an international company operating in 29 countries and has been exclusively dedicated to software development and services for news companies since 1979. More than 500 publishing media rely on Protecmedia as their partner for technological development and digital transformation.
For more information, contact María Arenas, CMO, at: