During a recent call with a publisher and potential new member, I explained that our practice at PAGE is to be proactive with existing members and future members, to schedule calls to compare prices and determine where PAGE can save money. The publisher agreed and mentioned that the on-going investigation of costs has sometimes been placed on the back burner when faced with other priorities.
This is where a proactive PAGE can be of assistance, particularly as we reach the end of 2021 and look to the challenges of 2022.
PAGE has implemented the infrastructure to react to inquiries for price comparisons and information about PAGE preferred partners. Our PAGEOne Newsletter is now digital containing links to PAGE resources and our website contains a chat feature which is monitored by the PAGE Team.
However, we recognize in a busy world that this is not enough and hence our team also conducts outbound emails and calls to schedule Operational Savings Reviews (OSRs) with our current membership and future members.
PAGE is the largest purchasing cooperative for publishers and commercial printers in North America. Through our collective purchasing power, PAGE seeks to negotiate the lowest prices from PAGE preferred partners (our suppliers) which are then passed along to the members.
Through these Operational Savings Reviews we have sometimes found that members are not purchasing all products through PAGE and thus may not be receiving the lowest prices or increasing their annual dividend check from PAGE at the end of the year.
For those not familiar, PAGE is a not-for-profit Cooperative founded in 1984 and owned by its publishing and commercial printing members. These companies have equity in the Cooperative and thus receive annual dividends for accumulated purchases and savings.
We also understand that faced with many priorities in our industry, our members are often doing more with less resources. Our PAGE solution is therefore to be proactive with our members and future members and offer this Operational Savings Review and see where we can reduce expenses and increase dividends.
For more information on services and membership visit, www.pagecooperative.com. Or, contact Gary Blakeley, CEO of PAGE Cooperative, at gary@pagecooperative.com.