In addition to lower prices, a key benefit of belonging to the PAGE Cooperative is access to fellow publishers and PAGE members who can provide guidance in addressing critical business issues. This network is an extension of your management team and PAGE membership has benefited from this shared resource for almost 40 years.
Newspaper Toolbox, a longstanding PAGE partner, is also an extension of your team, and specifically your advertising sales team. Our industry requires that we all do more with less, as resources are stretched but the news cycle continues along with the opportunities to sell advertising within your publications.
Newspaper Toolbox is an ideal PAGE partner, as PAGE delivers savings to its members through lower prices, and Newspaper Toolbox delivers savings through efficiency and speed, by providing online assets to populate content for publishers, many of which are members of PAGE. These online assets include ad templates, reader contests, special sections, entertainment content — including horoscopes, puzzles and kids pages — plus money-making ideas for small and large markets and inspiring ideas from fellow publishers.
As the president of Newspaper Toolbox, Marc-Noel Ouelllette explained: "Like PAGE, we serve large and small publishers in urban and rural communities with the common challenge that they require content which can be customized and deployed quickly to accelerate advertising sales and lower production costs. Therefore we create our online resources, to serve a wide variety of advertisers and applications so the ad teams have all the right tools at their disposal to complete the job in a timely manner."
Susan Sprano, the advertising director for the Republican-American, (a PAGE member), agrees and explained that Newspaper Toolbox is an incredible resource that is consistently used to generate new revenue.
She said, "The content is always relevant, and we have the flexibility to tailor our 'sections' and 'featured pages' to complement our advertising. These specialty products can be formatted to complete pull-out sections, or special pages depending on our formatting, and tend to generate greater response to advertising, and a much better client experience for our advertisers."
Sprano added that their creative team loves the ability to find ideal cover artwork for each project; the stock of graphics and photos is an enormous asset. She said, "This increases knowing that we have the flexibility to choose and use Newspaper Toolbox content to complement the advertisers that we target. This strategy also allows us to attract nontraditional and new advertisers. Our 'section' runs as a printed piece and also appears on our website in a digital format.” One such section is the Republican-American’s bi-annual section on healthly living; entitled "Better Living," it generates on average $8K-$15K in ad revenue per issue as the sales teams pair the advertisements sold to local practioners in dentistry and physical therapy, for example, accompanied by relevant content on those topics from Newspaper Toolbox.
PAGE is pleased to share this good news with the PAGE membership and the non-PAGE members of America's Newspapers who need quality and customizable assets to sell advertising opportunities while delivering relevant, informative and entertaining content to their readers.
The PAGE Cooperative seeks win-win partnerships that support the needs of our industry along with service and competitive pricing. As one of those partners, Newspaper Toolbox invites you to contact Susie Slifer for more information:
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The complete list of PAGE partners, including Newspaper Toolbox, can be found in our Digital Partner Directory —
For more information on our partner's program, please visit Alternatively, contact Gary Blakeley, CEO of PAGE Cooperative, at