The Digital Initiative program aims to transition all newspapers in Illinois to a turn-key digital model that includes new, modern and mobile-responsive websites for every publication, as well as additional tools and features used to increase reader engagement and generate additional revenue from the web.
These tools include Digital Subscriptions, which many newspapers in Illinois are not currently offering, as well as Digital Advertising capabilities so that your advertisers can reach the new digital audience through ads placed on your website. (Publications can even enroll in a special Ad Network for additional revenue!)
The Social Media Autopost tool helps publishers schedule out posts on social media featuring content from your website to help grow your audience, while a Newsletter tool allows you to reach out to subscribers directly via e-mail to make sure none of your readers are missing your latest updates.
Publishers who enroll in the Digital Initiative with the Illinois Press Association will receive significant discounts from Our-Hometown throughout the first year of service and beyond!
For more information, contact Matt Larson at