'Neither feast nor famine': In 2023, nonprofit news continued to grow — but the audience picture is more complicated

While the sector is still growing, that growth is slowing, by some metrics. And audience data for 2023 shows that across all outlets surveyed, average monthly web traffic fell.


Last week, the Institute for Nonprofit News released its seventh annual Index Report, based on a survey of its members earlier this year about the state of their coverage, revenue, staffing and audience in 2023. The survey data from 346 member outlets, as “the most comprehensive dataset on nonprofit news in North America,” is an important resource for taking the pulse of trends and changes across the nonprofit news sector.

Over the past seven years that INN has studied the nonprofit news sector, “the signals have pointed in the same direction: growth,” INN CEO Karen Rundlet, research director Emily Roseman, and Calvin University associate professor Jesse Holcomb write in their overview of the latest report.

But this year, “the signals were a little more mixed than usual.” 

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