Add our jobs board to your recruiting arsenal


Your newspaper needs experienced, innovative applicants. And each day, people who fit that description visit the America's Newspapers jobs board.

Your membership allows you to post job opportunities on the America's Newspapers site at no cost.  We hope you will leverage that benefit as you seek exceptional circulation managers, skilled advertising directors, journalists who produce riveting content and other newspaper staff members.

Unlike some job sites, the America's Newspapers site attracts an industry-specific audience. Our members cherish the role journalism fulfills in our society, and they possess the skills, passion and integrity you seek in departments throughout your publication.

We invite your recruiting staff to use this free resource. It’s easy. It’s available now. Add this tool to your recruiting arsenal.

To add your employment openings to our site, email your ad to us exactly as you would like it to read.

Ads remain on the website for 30 days — unless you ask us to leave them longer … or remove them sooner.

jobs, employment