How do we best govern AI?


This post is the foreword written by Brad Smith for Microsoft’s report Governing AI: A Blueprint for the Future. The first part of the report details five ways governments should consider policies, laws and regulations around AI. The second part focuses on Microsoft’s internal commitment to ethical AI, showing how the company is both operationalizing and building a culture of responsible AI.

In a democratic society, one of our foundational principles is that no person is above the law. No government is above the law. No company is above the law, and no product or technology should be above the law. This leads to a critical conclusion: People who design and operate AI systems cannot be accountable unless their decisions and actions are subject to the rule of law.

In many ways, this is at the heart of the unfolding AI policy and regulatory debate. How do governments best ensure that AI is subject to the rule of law? In short, what form should new law, regulation and policy take?

A five-point blueprint for the public governance of AI

Section One of this paper offers a five-point blueprint to address several current and emerging AI issues through public policy, law and regulation. We offer this recognizing that every part of this blueprint will benefit from broader discussion and require deeper development. But we hope this can contribute constructively to the work ahead.

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