How can I get involved?


America's Newspapers has six operating committees.

To join a committee, email CEO Dean Ridings at

Finance Committee:

  • Assist management in developing and monitoring financial plans, budgets and performance.
  • Meet quarterly to review financial performance and assure that the association's finances align with the broad strategic objectives.
Government Relations Committee:
  • Monitor government, regulatory and First Amendment issues that affect newspapers.
  • Align with national and state associations to champion the interests of newspapers.

Marketing Committee:

  • Support the association's promise to act as a clear and passionate voice supporting the fundamental role that newspapers play in their local communities.
  • The committee, in conjunction with staff, will create strategic marketing initiatives across the association's communication channels and assess their effectiveness.

Membership Committee:

  • Formulate strategies supporting membership growth, outreach and engagement/retention.
  • Design policies and initiatives that support those three key elements of its mission.
  • Periodically review membership classes, dues and policies/procedures and report back to the board on its activities.
Programming Committee:
  • Work with staff in developing vital and effective events, best practice sharing, relevant and actionable industry research and education.
  • Help structure the annual programming plan and monitor member response to those opportunities.
R&D Committee:
  • Identify key industry technology needs, trends and companies that provide solutions to address those trends.
  • Meet periodically with those companies to assess emerging technologies and their application to the needs of the membership.