Gold Solutions Partner

Deliver the content your readers crave

Local newspapers are under increased pressure to make the most of their newsroom resources. Delivering exactly what your readers want, through the traditional and digital platforms they prefer, is crucial to your success.


Coda Reader Engagement Studies measure the involvement, reliance and usefulness of your newspaper’s current local news content and identify the specific topics and features that your readers would like more of.  The survey results enable you to create a reader-driven news strategy that can be customized for all your content distribution channels — print, web, social, mobile and more.

Plus, Coda provides professional, custom-tailored research reports for your management team and newsroom leadership.  Coda’s newspaper industry experts are with you through every step of the process to provide expert data interpretation and newspaper marketing expertise, turning your research insights into actionable newsroom strategies.

With Coda Reader Engagement Studies, your news team will be equipped with compelling feed-back, empowering them to deliver the content that readers crave.

Is it time to fine-tune your news strategy to meet the unique needs of readers?  Let’s talk.

Sammy Papert  •  214.505.6420  •