Gold Solutions Partner

Success story: AdMessenger helped inform Mississippi drivers of safety recalls


In order to alert drivers about the potential risk of unresolved safety recalls on their vehicles, we partnered with The National Safety Council on an AdMessenger campaign.

The campaign featured the scrolling text, “1 in 5 vehicles has an open safety recall: does yours?” and aimed to direct users to their website,, to check for recalls.

Utilizing a layered targeting approach, the campaign used geotargeting and audience data to send the preset message to individuals who owned used vehicles and lived in a specific area of Mississippi.

AdMessenger played a pivotal role in the success of the Safety Council’s campaign! It ran for 43 days and delivered 612,000 impressions with a CTR of 2.76%.

This is just one successful way to utilize AdMessenger’s simple and powerful solution to inform, remind, raise awareness and motivate your audience through concise and compelling messages. With the election quickly approaching, connecting with voters on key issues and driving voter turnout has never been more important.

Our team would love to discuss how AdMessenger gets your message directly to your mobile audience. Reach out for a full presentation and a partnership discussion.

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