Campaign launched to help save local journalism

Newspapers are encouraged to promote this campaign to their readers


4A’s member, Allen & Gerritsen, and the Boston Globe have launched Protect Our Press, a campaign to help save local journalism.  

As we all know, great journalism informs, inspires and connects us. And yet, local news, which has long been among the most trusted sources continues to experience the most rapid decline, with more than 1,300 communities across the U.S. classified as local “news deserts.” As a nation, we are witnessing what happens in the absence of professional journalism, as the proliferation of dangerous conspiracy theories fill that void and threaten our collective ability to separate truth from fiction.

So, today you are asked to consider joining the effort to Protect Our Press, an initiative to reinvest in local professional journalism. It involves a simple pledge offering everyone the opportunity to make a difference: 

  • For agencies, to recommend to their clients committing 20% of their programmatic budget to news environments and to explore direct media buys with local, professional publishers.
  • For brands, to reconsider both the value and the merit of ad placements in news environments, reassessing media plans or reaffirming their current investments with local, professional news publishers.
  • For publishers, to seek to create exclusive, more impactful, and/or better value media opportunities for Protect Our Press participants.
  • And for individuals, to subscribe to one or more local news publishers, and/or to renew their current subscription(s).

For any questions about the pledge, please reach out to Will Phipps (

Take the Pledge

Protect Our Press