Solutions Partner

Column introduces live broadcast to announce its latest product developments and updates


On May 25, we debuted "The Brief," our first live broadcast to announce Column's latest product developments and updates. Column's Laurie Bolle (Enterprise) and Bo Xiang (Software Engineer) introduced our new affidavit automation feature for publishers. This feature eliminates all manual processes involved with producing electronically signed affidavits.

"It'll save you time. It'll save you money. It'll let you redirect your staff and reorganize so you can create more revenue-generating positions. It takes weight off your shoulders and puts it back on Column," says Keven Zepezauer of Restoration NewsMedia, and Column's Affidavit Automation Pilot Partner.

Our full-service affidavit automation is currently available in jurisdictions that permit electronic notarization. Our team has conducted extensive research on all the areas that qualify. If you’re interested, fill out the form and our team will be in touch.

Column's CTO, Leo Hentschker, also announced the following ground-breaking technical updates to the statewide public notice sites that we host for press associations across the country. We’re committed to making the experience of uploading public notices to statewide sites better than ever.

Missed it? You can watch the whole Brief here.