Solutions Partner

Choosing a subscription platform

A guide for publishers


As little as 10 years ago, before the "subscription economy" took hold and companies started selling everything from razors to furnace filters via a subscription model, publishers looking for a subscription platform had a short list of suppliers to wade through to find a solution. These were publishing industry-specific solutions built by software developers who were deeply embedded in the publishing business, and, in many cases, had served that industry for decades.

At that time, there were different suppliers for the various segments within publishing (newspapers, magazines, scholarly content, books, newsletters) so a magazine publisher, for example, need only look at the handful of solution providers to that segment to find a worthy subscription platform that met its needs.

Forward to today and you have a plethora of subscription "solutions" on the market. The volume of offerings can be overwhelming for a publisher to match their needs, especially with many recurring payment applications classified as "subscription platforms."

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To learn more about solutions for news media, please reach out to Kelly Grace at Kelly will be happy to assist and provide you with any additional information you may need.