Solutions Partner

Dynamic video advertising made simple


Video has become an increasingly popular medium for businesses to advertise their products and services. Local businesses, in particular, can benefit greatly from using video as a means of advertising. Video has the ability to engage potential customers in a way that other forms of advertising simply can't.

Compared to other advertising mediums, such as TV or radio ads, video advertising can be more affordable for local businesses. While the cost of producing a high-quality video can be significant, the cost of distributing the video through digital channels like social media or email marketing is typically much lower than traditional advertising channels.

Additionally, local businesses can target their video ads more precisely to specific geographic locations and demographics using digital advertising tools, which can result in more cost-effective campaigns.

The cost of producing and updating a high-quality dynamic video has kept a lot of media publishers away from offering these to their local businesses.

Here are some of the key benefits of using dynamic video for local business advertising:

  1. Showcasing products and services: Video is an excellent way for local businesses to showcase their products and services. Wehaa’s Smart Import technology eliminates the need for a product feed. Autos, real estate, retail, grocery, events, etc. are just some of the categories we can scrape.
  2. Building brand awareness: Local businesses can use video to build brand awareness in their community. By creating engaging and informative videos, businesses can establish themselves as authorities in their field and increase their visibility among potential customers.
  3. Boosting social media engagement: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are all highly visual platforms that are perfect for sharing videos. By creating video content that is engaging and shareable, local businesses can increase their social media engagement and reach a wider audience.
  4. Driving website traffic leads and sales: Dynamic videos promote real inventory in real time and Wehaa’s Direct Click-Through This can lead to increased sales and revenue for the business.

Wehaa now makes it easy and affordable to create dynamic video ads for local advertisers. Our process uses Wehaa’s Smart Import technology to bring over a local business’ products, services, events and much more. AI voiceover is used to create compelling scripts and each video is created to fit multi-media distribution channels including OTT, CTV and social media.

Overall, video is a highly effective tool for local businesses looking to advertise their products and services. With its ability to engage viewers, build brand awareness, boost social media engagement, drive website traffic and create emotional connections, video is a must-have in any local business' advertising toolkit.

If you are interested in learning more about Wehaa’s dynamic videos for your local businesses, please use my calendar link and carve out time for a demo:

Kevin Collins
VP, Sales - Wehaa