Our presenter


Robert J. Greene is the CEO at Reward $ystems, Inc., a consultancy whose mission is: “Helping Organizations Succeed Through People.”

He is the consulting principal at Pontifex and a faculty member for DePaul University in the MSHR and MBA programs.

Greene speaks and teaches globally on human resource management. He has more than 40 years of industry and consulting experience, has authored more than 100 articles and posts and has written four books about human resource management throughout his career: Rewarding Performance: Guiding Principles; Custom Strategies (2nd edition), Rewarding Performance Globally: Reconciling the Global-Local Dilemma by Fons Trompenaars and Robert J. Greene, The Most Important Asset: Valuing Human Capitol and Strategic Talent Management – Creating the Right Workforce.

Greene was awarded the first Keystone Award for achieving the highest level of excellence in the field by the American Compensation Organization (now WorldatWork), and he’s designed countless professional development programs. He was a principal developer of the PHR and SPHR certifications for the Society for Human Resource Management and the CCP and GRP certifications for the American Compensation Association (WorldatWork).